Training & Education


For all your training & educational needs, this section contains a wealth of training information and links to external websites such as the RCOA and AoA. Please use the navigation on the left hand side to find what you are looking for.



2021 Curriculum

Stage 1 BSA Guidebook
BSA Guidebook Stage 1 v2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Stage 2 BSA Guidebook
BSA Guidebook Stage 2 v2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]
Stage 3 BSA Guidebook
Stage 3 BSA curriculum guide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [840.2 KB]
EPA 1 and EPA 2 workbook
Adobe Acrobat document [223.8 KB]
EPA 3 and EPA 4 workbook
Adobe Acrobat document [176.6 KB]
Stage 1 top-up Guidance
CT3 (Stage 1 top up) Training Guidance ([...]
Adobe Acrobat document [303.9 KB]
Stage 2 top-up guidance
ST5 (Stage 2 top up) training guidance V[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [177.0 KB]
Final Assessment Guide
FINAL Assessment Guidance V1.2.pd.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [294.9 KB]
Stage 3 Special Interest Areas HALO guide
Stage 3 SIAs HALO guide v1.1 WEBSITE 202[...]
Microsoft Word document [349.7 KB]
Special Interest Areas in BSA
List of special interests and the hospitals where they could be persued
Special Interest Areas in Birmingham Sch[...]
Microsoft Word document [103.1 KB]
Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Handbook July 2021
Trainee Handbook July 2021 FINAL.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.8 MB]
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Copyright BSA 2021