
It is the GMC’s intention that all trainees should be revalidated every five years and at the time of the award of their CCT. The GMC usually sets your revalidation date about two months after your anticipated CCT date to facilitate this.


As a trainee, your name is on the GMC Connect list associated with Health Education West Midlands (HEWM) as your designated body. The revalidation recommendation will be made by the HEWM Responsible Officer (RO). At present this is Dr Russell Smith.


The recommendation will be made on the basis of the information already contained in your training portfolio and final ARCP. Provided that there are no outstanding issues or investigations in which you are involved, you will not be required to provide further information.


When you take up employment subsequently your name will have to be transferred from the GMC Connect list to that of your new employer. It is important that the RO at HEWM makes the recommendation to the GMC to support your revalidation before your name is transferred. Once your name is transferred the connection with HEWM is severed and they will no longer be able to make a recommendation. If your name is removed before a revalidation recommendation is made by the RO at HEWM, responsibility for the recommendation will then fall to your new RO. They may feel unable to make the recommendation and consequently defer the decision until you have collected evidence of your performance in your substantive role and had a full appraisal. Whilst not being a major issue this is an inconvenience you could probably do without.


HEWM has a process to make the revalidation recommendation to the GMC as soon after your final ARCP as possible. However, it is apparent that for some trainees there may be a very short period between the award of CCT and the move to a new post and the need to transfer to a new responsible body. Should this be the case with you then please ensure that the recommendation has been made before your name is transferred from the HEWM list. This can be done by checking your revalidation status and submission date on GMC On-line


Guidance for Revalidation
Guidance to ensure doctors in postgraduate training meet revalidation requirements across full scope of practice
ATT 4a Guidance to ensure doctors in pos[...]
Microsoft Word document [77.5 KB]
Guidance for Revalidation
Meeting revalidation requirements across full scope of practice for doctors in postgraduate training - Frequently Asked Questions
ATT 4b FAQs re Full Scope of Work.docx
Microsoft Word document [21.8 KB]
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