Completion of Training (CCT)

If you are eligible to apply for entry to the Specialist Register with a CCT or a CESR(CP) the College will notify the General Medical Council (GMC) of your completion of training date during your final year of training. The GMC will then invite you to make an application roughly about three months before your completion of training date.


The award of a CCT and inclusion on the Specialist Register are not automatic procedures; you (the trainee) are required to apply for your CCT or CESR(CP) Certificate. It is a legal requirement for you to be on the Specialist Register before taking up a substantive or honorary NHS consultant post.


Visit the RCOA website for more information.

Recommendation to the Specialist Register

Please note that an anaesthetist must be on the Specialist Register before commencing a consultant post on a substantive basis.


The Stage 3 certificate in the 2021 curriculum replaces the previous Notification of Completion of Training form. Anaesthetists in training should complete the Stage 3 certificate, detailing the time spent in each SIA (rotations can be combined). Please ensure that these posts total 12 months whole time equivalent (WTE) and are accurately recorded on the Stage 3 certificate. The date on this certificate and the final ARCP outcome 6 should match their prospective completion date


The Training department will contact anaesthetists in training 4 months before their CCT date to confirm their details, including CCT date and specialty (Anaes, Dual ICM, Anaes with PHEM). Anaesthetists in training have one month to respond if corrections are needed and to provide any further information regarding changes to their programme


If these details are correct, no action is required. After one month, the Training department will notify the GMC and the anaesthetist in training will receive an email detailing next steps.


Notification of Completion of Training form can still be submitted, especially for those who have had a complex transition or completed the Stage 3 certificate before the SIA fields were added. This will still trigger the review process at the College.


Please ensure that the following are completed on the LLP:

  • Stage 3 Certificate, with all 14 HALOs signed off
  • 12 months WTE of training time in SIAs recorded accurately
  • Acceptance of the final ARCP outcome form.

For those who transitioned after ST5, please ensure that an Intermediate Level Training Certificate is uploaded to LLP. Depending on the transition plan, they may have also completed an EQ2. Please make sure that there are two signatures on both certificates and that the relevant units are signed off. If they have not completed an EQ2, ie transitioned directly to Stage 3 without completing a top up, you will need evidence of either Higher ICM CUT form or Stage 2 ICM HALO.


The College also requires copies of all ARCP outcome forms from anaesthetic training, including those from core or ACCS training. ARCP outcome forms that were completed before the Lifelong Learning platform (LLP) was available should be uploaded to the LLP Document Store. If an anaesthetist in training is missing an ARCP outcome form they should contact their School or Deanery administrator, in the first instance, who should be able to supply a copy.


For doctors on a Dual Anaes and ICM CCT programme
For your ICM CCT you will need to complete the FICM CCT Notification form and submit it to Please click here for further details and the form. FICM are currently reviewing their processes, but for now they still require you to complete this form.

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