Inter-Deanery Transfer


Inter-Deanery Transfer (IDT) is limited to those trainees who have had an unforeseen and significant change in circumstances since commencement of their current training program.


The national process has been established by the Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD), Health Education England (HEE), Northern Ireland Medical & Dental Training Agency, NHS Education for Scotland, Wales Deanery and the British Medical Association (BMA) in order to provide a consistent, robust and transparent process for allowing trainees to transfer around the UK. This centralised transfer process aims to provide trainees and regional colleagues with a consistent, transparent and robust service. For this reason, it will not be possible to depart from or be flexible with the published processes, timelines and criteria.


The national Inter Deanery Transfer (IDT) team cannot accept any applications or facilitate any transfers outside of the process or nationally agreed timelines. There are no exceptional circumstances where the national IDT team will accept any late applications or facilitate a transfer outside of the nationally agreed process.


If you are considering an IDT, then you should read the information on the IDT website and the trainee guide to Inter-Deanery Transfers. You can also contact the local IDT team at the deanery.



National IDT Website



Inter-School Transfer


Inter-School Transfer between the three schools of the West Midlands, follows very similar rules to IDTs. It is limited to those medical trainees who have had an unforeseen and significant change in circumstances since commencement of their current training program. It is not to be used as a back door route to the first choice school if you were not ranked high enough to gain your first choice at recruitment to ST3.The process is less complex than the National process. The first thing to do is meet with your Training Program Director to discuss your reasons for a transfer. If appropriate the TPD will then discuss your case with the TPD from the other School (SSA, BSA, WSA). If agreed that a transfer would be appropriate, your case is then referred to the Head of School at the Deanery.


If your case is successful then the timing of the transfer will normally coincide with a recruitment round and you will transfer in either August or February.




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